10 Things About Samuel A. Hardage & Vision of Children Foundation


“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing.”
– Edmund Burke, Author and Philosopher

The Vision of Children Foundation’s mission is to cure hereditary childhood blindness and vision disorders, and to improve the quality of life of visually impaired children and their families. Vision of Children is achieving this bold mission through vision research, scientific symposiums, family support networks, and their vision hero video series. Vivian and Samuel A. Hardage established The Vision of Children Foundation in 1991, after their son Chase was born with a rare and debilitating vision disorder, Ocular Albinism Type 1. At the time, few scientists were researching genetic eye disorders, so the Hardages recruited new scientific researchers to find a cure for the condition affecting their son and millions of other children born with similar vision disorders.



#1 I grew up in the South, primarily in Mississippi, Georgia and Louisiana. I moved away when I was appointed to the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs.


#2 I cannot think of any place that is better than San Diego. As a pilot who literally flew all over the world, I can honestly say that San Diego has the most incredible climate, the most beautiful setting and of course, fabulous people, to make this one of the great places in the world to live!


#3 When the sun comes up, I generally like to get up and at it, but I also enjoy a good evening with family and friends.


#4 I am a confirmed addict of Vivian’s incredible chocolate chip cookies!!!


#5 I would like to figure out how to ski down the slopes faster, but it seems every year that I end up going slower.



#6 Celebrating Vision of Children’s 30th anniversary this year, we are happy to say that technology is finally catching up to our mission. We are on the cusp of discovering cures for genetic vision disorders and childhood blindness.


#7 Our research has the potential to be groundbreaking, since its direct application for rare types of vision disorders should also lend itself to addressing vision loss stemming from common disorders like age-related macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa.


#8 We want to thank all the very generous supporters who made our ‘A Night for Sight’ fundraiser, a success. Event proceeds benefit vision research projects currently underway at UCLA and UC San Diego Health.


#9 But the fight is not over. We need to continue raising funds to support critical vision research that will find cures for childhood blindness and genetic vision disorders.


#10 As you donate to charitable causes this Holiday Season, please consider supporting critical vision research. The gift of sight is one of the best gifts ever.




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Esteban Villanueva