10 Things About Rob Pedersen &


“You only get one shot at this life, live it.”

Promises2Kids is a 40-year-old nonprofit with a mission to create a brighter future for foster children® in San Diego County. Rob Pedersen, Immediate Past Chair of Promises2Kids’ Board of Directors, is committed to ensuring that foster youth have the guidance, skills and resources to complete their higher education, can enjoy the same extracurricular activities as their peers, feel safe in their surroundings and that separated siblings have opportunities to reconnect each month. As a 100% philanthropy funded organization, Promises2Kids relies on the community’s support – support that is needed now more than ever.

10 Things About Rob Pedersen & Promises2Kids

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#1 I grew up in Sacramento, CA and was relocated by a bank to San Diego on April 1st, 2000. I was lucky!

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#2 Financial Literacy is something that everyone can benefit from.

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#3 I have been to Africa 3 times; it was a trip that I had always dreamed about. I have it on my list to travel there one more time.

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#4 I would love to visit all of the national parks in the United States. I visited the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone and fell in love with both.

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#5 We have two dogs – a 12-year-old mix breed named Bernard and a 6-year-old Golden Retriever named Shelby.

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#6 I am a huge wine collector, enjoying wines from all the places we have traveled. Bordeaux, South Africa, Napa are the top ones for me.

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#7 Each generation keeps getting better. Sometimes people say they wish they were younger, not me… I am looking forward to what the future has in store for me.

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#8 Happiness comes when you are true and honest; I used to think it was the more I make and the more I can spend… lol.

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#9 In 2010, during the down economy, the bank I was working at failed and was bought by a competitor. My income dropped significantly, I was single, had a couple home mortgages and needed to figure this out. I taught myself to do things that I paid others to do, I learned to budget, and I survived without giving anything up. This was one of those great lessons in life that I still value today.

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#10 As the youngest of six, Susie witnessed her mother struggle with drugs and alcohol her entire life. She entered foster care at 16, bounced around from home to home and attended over 10 schools. Today, as a Promises2Kids Guardian Scholar, Susie works as a peer mentor for current foster youth and was matched with a mentor who positively impacts her life. Susie is one of the first in her family to graduate high school and is the first to attend college.

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Esteban Villanueva