10 Things About Rita Datko &
Girl Scouts San Diego


“Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.” – Dr. Benjamin Spock

The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the world’s largest entrepreneurial program for girls, teaching them lifelong skills like goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills and business ethics. Girl Scouts San Diego also relies on additional support to provide 22,500 local girls with innovative programs in STEM, life skills and the outdoors. Before the onset of COVID-19, more than 45 percent of Girl Scouts’ households struggled with economic security. Incoming board chair, Rita Datko is leading the community support of Girl Scouting that is more important than ever.

10 Things About Rita Datko & Girl Scouts San Diego


#1 I was born in Washington, DC and moved to San Diego when I was seven.


#2 If I could live anywhere else, I would choose Arizona, because I love the sun and no humidity.


#3 I am a morning person. I like to get my day started early so hopefully I can relax in the evening.


#4 I have three dogs: Sammie, a 12-year-old black lab; a six-year-old Saint Bernard named Callie; and Roxie, a two-year-old Bernese Mountain Dog.


#5 I have four daughters who were Girl Scouts.


#6 My daughters were Division I softball players and involved in travel softball for 15+ years. We have probably seen every softball field in the country.


#7 I started playing Candy Crush on my phone when we traveled to softball tournaments, because I find it relaxing. Unfortunately, I am only on level 2000.


#8 Although I love to scrapbook and have purchased every scrapbooking tool known to man, I am years behind on completing my books.


#9 The world would be a better place if everyone followed The Girl Scout Law, which includes being honest and fair, considerate and caring, and courageous and strong.


#10 Elisa Hilliard is among the 100,000 women and girls who have benefited from the Girl Scout Outreach program since its inception 41 years ago. Elisa discovered Girl Scouting in 1988, and remembers that, “On Girl Scout meeting days, I went to school excited, knowing I would have fun. There, I felt special and included. I had been living in the U.S. for just two years, so being a Girl Scout inspired me to learn more about other wonderful opportunities I could have in this country.” Today, Elisa delivers the power of Girl Scouting to her daughters Ashley, Natalie and Lauren and other members of her multi-level Troop 6139. Elisa holds a master’s degree in curriculum and teaching and manages an independent study school for self-directed learners in K-12. “I also apply Girl Scouts’ highly effective, girl-led operating model in my professional life,” she says.



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Esteban Villanueva