10 Things About Pete Schulte and Palomar Health Foundation


“It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.”

Palomar Health Foundation is committed to seeking philanthropic support for the advancement of Palomar Health and its programs for the health and wellbeing of our community. Pete and Hollie Schulte understand the importance of this endeavor, donating funds in honor of Dr. Jamie Rivas and the entire team of Palomar Emergency Department physicians. The donation was also a tribute to Pete’s late father, Rudi Schulte, a master-watchmaker who parlayed his skills into a career as an inventor of medical devices. Rudi’s philanthropic legacy lives on through the generosity of the Schultes and their commitment to the betterment of our community’s health.

10 Things About Pete Schulte and Palomar Health Foundation


#1 I grew up in Santa Barbara, but I have lived in San Diego for 35 years and call it home.


#2 My father was a huge influence, but others have profoundly influenced me throughout my life, including my wife Hollie. Her ability to constantly put others first, inspires me daily.


#3 We have a dog named Beau, who is 14 years old. He is an important part of our family.


#4 When I am having a challenging day, I think of what other people are going through and remember that something that is a challenge to me may be a blessing to them.


#5 What has surprised me most in life is when things go right. Flying for 35 years puts this in perspective. You train most of your career for things to go wrong and hope you never need it.


#6 Perseverance is key to accomplishment. I wanted to be a pilot since I was nine years old and although the road was filled with many challenges and disappointments, I achieved my goal.


#7 The COVID-19 pandemic is a perfect illustration of how despite the negative impact on our lives, we are finding positive ways to adapt to our evolving circumstances. I believe this will bring lasting positive change for all of us.


#8 Through the support of our donors, our community has access to state-of-the-art medical technology, programs, and expanded services, keeping Palomar at the forefront of healthcare delivery.


#9 Palomar Health is California’s largest public health district, covering an 800-square-mile service area with a population of more than 800,000.


#10 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our current focus is raising funds for crucial PPE supplies, medical equipment, and other expenditures that will enable Palomar Health to perform at the highest level as we respond to this crisis.



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Esteban Villanueva