10 Things About Patricia Salas & Youth Philanthropy Council


“Carpe Diem (Seize the day)”

Patricia (Pat) Salas’ son and several of his friends ranging from 13 to 16 years old, got together to see how they could be of service and help other children in San Diego. They decided to create the Youth Philanthropy Council (YPC), a nonprofit with a mission to break the cycle of poverty by providing access to basic needs and education for children. Patricia became their advisor and trained them to present the way she does with her employees. The children ended up turning into incredible presenters probably because no one told them that there was stage fright or talked to them about fear, so they just went and did as they were told and crushed it!


#1 I lived in Perú until the end of 6th grade when we moved back to the US permanently.


#2 I am the President/Chief Dream Enabler at SBHIS Insurance Services, Inc. Our mission is to make Medicare easier.


#3 My favorite travel destination is Tokyo; the food is amazing!


#4 I love art! It brings me an incredible amount of joy.


#5 I am very superstitious and I believe in Feng Shui so I have good luck charms everywhere.


#6 We have 2 Giant Schnauzers, a bulldog and an Old English Sheepdog.


#7 When I was growing up, my dad had newspaper routes and my job was to collect from the 7-11 stores. Many of the stores were owned by Indian men who would ask me about my grades, what I wanted to become and tell me to “do it.” They also said that in this country, only lazy people don’t achieve. They became my support system and I assumed I had to make something of myself otherwise I would be one of the lazy ones. They were a huge influence in my life.


#8 I would like to create an institute within a local school where we teach entrepreneurship to kids at a young age.


#9 YPC held a shoe drive in December and gave away over 15,000 pairs of shoes valued at $1.2 Million. During the drive, Kiana (age 11), helped a woman with her 2 kids – all 3 had very worn-out shoes. Kiana found sneakers for the boy, pink twinkle shoes for the girl and a pair of work shoes and tennis shoes for the mom. The mom broke down, cried and hugged Kiana. She said no one had ever shown her that kindness in this country. It was human kindness at its best and my heart grew three times bigger.


#10 YPC is made up of kids helping kids. If your kids would like to join and help, call us. It feels good to do good!


Youth Philanthropy Council

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Esteban Villanueva