10 Things About Megan Pogue &
Timken Museum of Art


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“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are”.
– John Wooden

The Timken Museum is the only free, fine art museum in San Diego, giving people the opportunity to view masterpieces in person, including San Diego’s only Rembrandt on public display. Under the leadership of executive director Megan Pogue, the Timken Museum of Art is to become the first museum worldwide to install revolutionary anti-viral technology originally engineered in conjunction with the United States Department of Defense. This innovative system will maximize the “capture and kill” rate of airborne pathogens at a level considerably higher than that of hospital operating rooms.

10 Things About Megan Pogue & Timken Museum of Art



#1 I was born in Washington, D.C. When I was a year old, my family moved to Manhattan Beach, California where I lived until I attended University in San Diego.


#2 In spite of its issues, I still prefer California for the weather, welcoming outdoor lifestyle, and access to culture.


#3 I used to be a professional singer. The arts pervaded every aspect of my childhood and I remain passionate about all art forms.


#4 My daughter has a cat, and my son has a dog. When my children each went off to college, the pets remained behind “temporarily.” Both children have graduated but their pets are still with me!


#5 I would love to improve my golf game! Golf is my favorite and most distracting respite after a stressful week.




#6 The nonprofit world is not for everybody as it is a 365/24/7 lifestyle, but this suits me quite well.


#7 When I have a free moment, I read, listen to music, reach out to a friend, or fantasize about my next travel experience.


#8 I wish people were kind to everybody. You never know what somebody is going through.


#9 One of the things that drew me to the Timken was its extensive outreach efforts. As a free museum, we are able to impact many lives including Title One school children, military veterans, teens in juvenile hall, and isolated seniors. I am particularly proud of our projects that showcase these groups directly in the museum, such as one of our annual galas that displayed the creations of injured military veterans. We were able to receive feedback on the pride and accomplishment these participants experienced while working on their project(s), and the hope and positive impact it created in their lives as a result.


#10 Due to our free status, all Timken events are viewed as fundraisers. Event proceeds support our extensive outreach programs reaching many underserved communities, our year-round free admission, and the maintenance of our world-class collection and building.




Timken Museum of Art


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Esteban Villanueva