San Diego Foundation |10 Things About Mark Stuart


“Everything works itself out in the end. So, if things aren’t working out for you, you are not at the end.”

In times of emergency, community foundations are uniquely positioned to work for all who are impacted. This has never been more important than now, as our entire region is affected by the health and economic consequences of the coronavirus outbreak. The San Diego Foundation, led by Mark Stuart, has joined with numerous partners through the COVID-19 Community Response Fund, to help San Diegans in need.

10 Things About Mark Stuart & San Diego Foundation


#1 I grew up in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan. I have lived in San Diego since October 2005 and am never leaving!


#2 As a young man, I delivered the newspaper. After I collected the subscription fees from my route, I would turn on my mother’s clothes iron, and fill the spray starch bottle so I could turn that money into the sharpest, best-looking dollar bills possible.


#3 My father is a retired minister. He has one Bible quote hanging in his study from the Book of Proverbs: without vision, the people shall perish. The opposite of this quote is, of course, with great vision, the people will flourish.


#4 I follow one of Stephen Covey’s most important Habits of Highly Successful People: You first have to understand, before you can expect to be understood.


#5 My happiest travel destination is wherever I am with my husband, Tim. Sedona, Arizona is one of our favorite places to go – the natural beauty, places to walk and hike, incredible vegan-friendly restaurants, and unique galleries cannot be beat.


#6 We have two rescue dogs. Emma is our German Shepherd-mix protector. Barkley is our Boxer/Pit Bull-mix who is the crown prince of friendliness for the neighborhood.


#7 The San Diego Foundation’s mission statement is: “to inspire enduring philanthropy and enable community solutions”. I know I have had a great day when I have moved the needle on inspiring and enabling.


#8 I have learned so many life lessons from incredible philanthropists on what is really important: bringing joy to others.


#9 I have been amazed by the charitable contributions that San Diegans have made to the COVID-19 Community Response Fund. San Diego is one of the most caring, friendly and giving communities in the country.


#10 Community foundations play a key role in identifying and solving challenges in the region and helping donors make wise social investments. Because the mission is focused on the region it serves, a gift to a community foundation is an investment in the future of your community.

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Esteban Villanueva