10 Things About Mark Ignacio & Catholic Community Foundation


“Love… and do what you will”
– St. Augustine

The mission of the Catholic Community Foundation is to receive, manage, safeguard and grow the investments that are provided to them while supporting organizations that are approved by their donors and are carrying out the greater mission of their Catholic faith. Mark Ignacio is Catholic Community Foundation’s volunteer Attorney and Presenter for Estate & Legacy Webinars/Seminars.



#1 I was born in the Philippines but grew up in San Diego.


#2 I would like to visit Scandinavia — in the daytime to visit the fjords and in the evening to experience the northern lights.


#3 I like to travel and play games, so it would be a dream to compete in the “Amazing Race” with my wife.


#4 It is on my bucket list to enter and win a cooking competition.


#5 I would tell my younger self to learn and recognize how to love your authentic self because once you do, you will develop the courage you need to confidently move forward on the path God has established for you.


#6 My wife, Kareen, has been the most incredible gift and blessing in my life. She loves me for who I really am, and she has taught me the meaning of unconditional love.


#7 A few years ago, someone from Catholic Community Foundation approached me to serve as a volunteer attorney in giving presentations on estate planning with a faith-based perspective. As a devout Catholic, I wanted to volunteer with an organization like Catholic Community Foundation that espouses my faith in an authentic manner, especially taking into account the value of Christian stewardship – that our time, talent and treasure are gifts from God that must be maintained, used and given wisely.


#8 The Catholic Community Foundation supports RiseUp Industries’ 18-month Reentry Program for formerly incarcerated individuals who grew up in street gangs.


#9 At the age of 11, Angel’s life goal was to join his father and uncle in prison. He ended up spending 41 years of his life incarcerated. While in prison, Angel was inspired by Kairos prison ministry and decided to turn his life around. Angel joined RiseUp Industries after being released and became a well-paid supervisor at a local manufacturing company. He is raising two grandchildren after his son followed in his footsteps and became incarcerated. Angel stated, “The cycle ends here.”


#10 The Catholic Community Foundation is here to serve the greater San Diego community and it is truly committed to working with donors to achieve their charitable goals both great and small. The Foundation is here to support people from all walks of life, and it embraces those of diverse faith backgrounds.

Catholic Community Foundation
Free Estate & Legacy planning webinars
Hosted by Estate Planning Attorney, Mark Ignacio.
Monday September 12th and Wednesday September 14th
10 am – 12 pm and in Spanish from 6 pm – 8 pm

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Esteban Villanueva