10 Things About Malissa Rosa Sanfilippo & Patrons of the Prado


Do your best, try your best, and cherish your family and friends.

Patrons of the Prado is committed to raising funds to benefit arts, science, and cultural centers on the Prado in Balboa Park and for programs that provide educational access for San Diego County K-12 school children to the world-class treasures of Balboa Park, inspiring cultural fluency for future generations. Patrons of the Prado was formed by four resourceful and committed women. Today, Patrons of the Prado is a nearly 100-member, all-volunteer non-profit organization that has raised more than $5.7 million in grants to their beneficiaries. Patrons of the Prado has created more than 350,000 hands-on, often life-changing experiences and opportunities for children through the Bucks4Buses educational initiative. Malissa Rosa Sanfilippo is the Gala Co-Chair for Mythical MASTERPIECE, “Enchantment at the Acropolis 2024”.

#1 I grew up in San Diego. My dad grew up in Alaska. I have heard how much natural beauty there is and think it would be really cool to visit.


#2 I love traveling anywhere in Italy!


#3 I enjoy spending time with my family. After a long day at work, I love to come home to them and have a nice family dinner.


#4 We have a golden doodle. Her name is Pepper, and she just turned seven. She is so loyal and sweet. She is the best!


#5 I love suspense novels, anything by David Baldacci.

#6 My husband is someone I greatly admire. He is the most loyal, hardworking, and honest human I have ever known. I am so proud to have him by my side.


#7 Being a native San Diegan, I am deeply connected to our community. I am raising our sons here and genuinely wish for them to see how special San Diego is. There is no other city in our country like it. I have lived abroad and in 5 other cities in the United States. Community is important for the future, for my children and for other generations.


#8 My mom was a member of Patrons of the Prado before I was. She was very active with the group, and I eventually became a member through her.


#9 I remember spending much of my childhood in Balboa Park, attending summer camps at Junior Theater and the Zoo. My dad used to take us to all the different museums growing up too.


#10 Proceeds from Patrons’ 2024 Mythical MASTERPIECE Enchantment at the Acropolis supports nine beneficiaries: Fleet Science Center, Mingei International Museum, Museum of Us, The Old Globe, San Diego History Center, San Diego Junior Theatre, San Diego Museum of Art, San Diego Natural History Museum and the Timken Museum of Art, with unrestricted “greatest needs” funding, and Bucks4Buses educational grants.

Patrons of the Prado
Mystical Masterpiece “Enchantment at the Acropolis”
Saturday, July 27, 2024
5:30 pm
Spreckels Organ Pavilion in Balboa Park
