10 Things About Linda & Zap Martin and
Miracle 139 International


“If you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready” -Suga Free & DJ Quik

Miracle 139 International improves the lives of children with special needs internationally through awareness, training and support. In many areas around the world, children with special needs are still shunned, isolated and uneducated. There is little value placed on their lives. Miracle 139 hopes to see the world recognize the beauty in every child and then empower others to help each child reach their full potential. Miracle 139 is unable to hold an in-person fundraiser this year due to COVID-19. However, thanks to supporters like founder, Linda Martin & her husband Zapp, Miracle 139 will be holding virtual training events.

10 Things About Linda & Zap Martin and Miracle 139 International

#1 Linda: I grew up on a farm in Wessington Springs, South Dakota. Zap grew up in the Los Angeles area.

#2 Zap: No matter what your job or role is, it makes it easier on everyone when you are a little bit more kind.

#3 Linda: Passion drives us to wake up each day and be the best version of ourselves. Passion comes naturally when we are living out our purpose.

#4 Zap: I have traveled many places and I always love coming back home.

#5 Linda: My fur baby is a maltipoo named Kira. She is my wingman, for sure.

#6 Zap: I held a Top Secret clearance with the federal government.

#7 Linda: Change can bring new ideas and growth, WHEN I focus on the beauty of what we have vs. dwelling on what/who we do not have.

#8 Zap: When I am having a challenging day, gratitude helps me stay positive – remembering all of the things that are going right.

#9 At one of our first training’s in Paraguay, there was a special educator there who seemed… less engaged… than the others. Yet, she attended the entire week of training. About 6 months later we heard from this woman – she had decided to take all that she had learned during our training and start a new school for children with special needs in a very rural area of Paraguay! The school is designed to offer reverse inclusion so children with special needs are not separated from their peers and is the only place in that region where children with special needs are able to access education.

#10 Our free 4-part training series will provide educators with foundational strategies for teaching unique learners. Presented via Zoom, these sessions will be interactive and are sure to leave you feeling more equipped to make learning accessible and engaging, no matter the educational level of your child/student.

Miracle 139 International
Free Interactive Training’s via Zoom
September 23, September 30, October 7, October 14
