10 Things About Leslie Oliver & United Way San Diego


“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
― Albert Einstein

United Way San Diego (UWSD) believes that all children, young adults, and families deserve the chance to succeed, regardless of zip code or income. With partners countywide – United Way San Diego collaborates on the best ways to support early childhood success, youth success, and family stability by identifying what’s working and building on proven practices supported by solid data and our partners’ expertise. Board member and Women United Chair, Leslie Oliver helps United Way San Diego to align partners, leverage resources and transform lives.


#1 I grew up in Coos Bay, Oregon, which is a small coastal community.


#2 My favorite destinations typically include warm weather, ocean beaches, and outdoor activities.


#3 I most cherish time with my family and the memories we have created over the years. Any sentimental items that I have are typically associated with friends or family – like the antique sewing machine that my grandmother used when I was a child.


#4 I love to sing. If I was born in another place or time, I would have been a singer or a writer.


#5 It took me too long to believe in myself and to believe all things are possible. I would tell my younger self you are good enough; you can do it and not to get in my own way.


#6 The people who have positively impacted my life are the ones who put others first, who lend a helping hand and who stand up for others. These are the doers and the people who quietly make the world a better place.


#7 I first got involved with United Way through workplace giving. I wanted to make a difference in the community, to make it better.


#8 During the height of the pandemic, racial inequities were highlighted and disparities widened. With the gaps growing, many San Diegans today struggle to get by as the economic crisis of COVID-19 continues. This is why United Way San Diego is centered on education and family stability, supporting those in the community who have fallen behind.


#9 Through our initiatives and community collaborations, we’re able to help the children and families who need it most to close the gaps and create a bright future.


#10 United Way San Diego is dedicated to doubling down with our expert partners to find solutions for some of our region’s most pressing needs. We are elevating the best ways to support educational success and family stability built on proven practices, solid data, and strong community partnerships.



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Esteban Villanueva