10 Things About Joanne L. Franciscus & Legal Aid Society of San Diego


“Be the change you wish to see in the world”
– Ghandi

The Legal Aid Society of San Diego (LASSD) is a nonprofit law firm that provides free legal services to lower income San Diego residents. LASSD’s mission is to improve lives by advancing justice through effective, efficient and vigorous legal advocacy, outreach and education. When Joanne L. Franciscus saw the job posting for a housing attorney with the Legal Aid Society of San Diego, she thought it was the perfect fit. Joanne currently serves as the CEO/Executive Director of LASSD.


#1 I grew up in Middlesex, New Jersey.


#2 My mom was an amazing human being and an absolute force to be reckoned with. She never went to college but managed to become VP of a special education company. She volunteered for the school board, her church, and for Meals-on-Wheels while raising 4 kids. She will forever be my hero.


#3 My husband and I love to do road trips to the mountains, especially Mammoth.


#4 Next year I am hoping to get to Italy, and in particular, the Amalfi Coast.


#5 Someday I would love to take a whole summer and go abroad, spend time in Australia and other parts of the world.


#6 I have two dogs, Miley and Charlie, and a cat named Piper.


#7 I love movies, so it is hard to pick just one favorite. “Steel Magnolias” is definitely in my top five though, and anything with Tom Hanks.


#8 Book Recommendation: “Half the Sky” by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. It is about the exploitation, abuse and oppression of women and girls around the world, and how they are really the key to progress and economic prosperity. It is as inspirational as it is gut-wrenching. It will change the way you see the world.


#9 I think we each have a moral obligation to try to improve the world around us; to use our unique resources, be it our skills, our time, our money, what have you, to leave the world a better place than we found it. Every one of us has something we can contribute to help those around us, and often something that you might think is very small or insignificant can make a world of difference in someone else’s life.


#10 I was living in D.C. and had recently completed a public policy fellowship for an anti-human trafficking non-profit organization. After my fellowship, I knew I wanted a career in public interest law. The mission and vision of LASSD really resonated with me, and the work I have been able to do these last 11 years – using the law to address the root causes of poverty and inequality and change people’s lives – has been beyond rewarding.

