10 Things About Joan Waitt & Promises2Kids


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“Go big or go home”

Since 1981, Promises2Kids has supported over 200,000 abused and neglected children in our community. From the moment they come into foster care and through to adulthood, Promises2Kids provides the hope, support and opportunities these individuals need to change their lives for the better… now and for years to come. Joan Waitt, Former Board Member, Dream On Concert Gala Sponsor/Chair, and Emeritus Member “is dedicated to creating a brighter future for foster children”.


#1 I grew up in Sioux City, Iowa, a small, but great town, that I still visit often.


#2 I adore traveling to exotic destinations, especially with my four kids. But I have to say one of my favorite places to frequent is New York City. I love the fashion, the energy, the hustle and bustle, and the amazing restaurants.


#3 One place I have really been wanting to go to for a while is Croatia. It looks stunning and has so much to offer.


#4 Right now, I have a beautiful German shepherd named Bella. My house has been filled with dogs all my life and I am planning to adopt another dog very soon.


#5 Everyone sees me as a very strong person, but they would be surprised at how sensitive I really am.


#6 The person who has most positively impacted my life is my father, Joseph Peschel. Without him, I would not be the woman I am today.


#7 Promises2Kids Programs include: Camp Connect, Guardian Scholars, Foster Funds and the A.B. and Jessie Polinsky Children’s Center.


#8 I got involved with Promises2Kids after being approached by the former Mayor, Susan Golding and I decided to join the board as I really resonated with Promises2Kids’ message.


#9 22-year-old Madelyn entered foster care at 14 with her brother. They were homeless for most of her life, and her mother was caught in the cycle of drug addiction, prostitution and violence. This led to them being removed from her care and placed at the Polinsky Children’s Center. Today, she is studying to become a criminal defense attorney and hopes to use her story to help give a second chance to those struggling with generational poverty and addiction. As a Guardian Scholar, she now has the guidance, resources and support system she needs to flourish.


#10 Funds raised from the “Dream On Concert” will help reconnect siblings who have been separated in foster care, provide career and education support for current and former foster youth, provide birthday gifts, school clothes and opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities, and ensure that foster children feel safe, cared for and out of harm’s way.


“Dream On Concert
Monday, September 12
La Jolla Estate Home of Joan Waitt



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Esteban Villanueva