10 Things About Gabrielle M. Diecidue &
the Lucky Duck Foundation


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“The surest way to be happy is to seek happiness for others”

Gabrielle M. Diecidue is a senior at the University of San Diego, majoring in Business Administration, with minors in Nonprofit Social Enterprise Philanthropy, Philosophy and Sociology. During Gabby’s freshman year at USD, she began researching San Diego’s homeless epidemic, which led her to an internship at the Lucky Duck Foundation. The Lucky Duck Foundation is committed to alleviating the suffering of San Diego County’s homeless by taking action to address the issue in a best-in-class, fact-based manner.

10 Things About Gabrielle M. Diecidue & the Lucky Duck Foundation


#1 I grew up in Denver, Colorado.


#2 I have a Welsh Springer Spaniel named Jaxx. Not only is he absolutely adorable, soft, and charming, but he enjoys living his doggy life to the fullest, while offering me so much love.


#3 When I have a challenging day, I always remember the words of Ashley Hetherington; “God is going to work it all out for the good. All the pain, frustration, heartbreak. Somehow, and in some way, he is going to use all of the broken pieces to make a beautiful masterpiece.”


#4 The most valuable lesson I have learned is a caring cure: seeing each other’s suffering as our own and realizing we are all the same on the inside.


#5 I turned an entire decade of being bullied, feeling anxious and depressed, into an ambitious social change mentality.


#6 San Diego’s homeless population is the fourth largest in the country and is our number one social service issue. 10% of the total population are homeless veterans, 36% have a physical disability, 12% are under the age of 24, and 78% became homeless in San Diego.


#7 When I turned 21, it was the first time I ever “celebrated” my birthday. Some of you may be thinking wait, what? The reason I actually “celebrated” my birthday was because that was the year I started a fundraiser for the Lucky Duck Foundation, in place of gifts. We have a moral duty to share our luck.


#8 I cannot think of a better way to honor my role that I was designated at birth: cultivating the higher good through sharing my luck.


#9 Fellow USD student, Madison Dean is also interning at the Lucky Duck Foundation. Madison is coordinating and overseeing the Miramar Food and Water distribution site as well as helping with the youth homelessness project and collaborating with other foundations.


#10 The Lucky Duck Foundation’s Food and Water initiative was created in response to the life or death situation facing unsheltered individuals during the COVID-19 crisis. The program provides sustenance while also building trust and rapport to help move even more people off the streets and into shelters, housing, and a healthier and more productive path.


The Lucky Duck Foundation
12th Annual Swing & Soiree
Monday, October 5, 2020
7:30 pm Virtual Soiree
Free to Sign Up


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Esteban Villanueva