10 Things About Dana Henderson &
Feeding San Diego


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Ending Hunger Through Food Rescue

Feeding San Diego’s model is based on rescuing good food before it goes to the landfill and getting it to people facing hunger. Hunger has always been an issue in San Diego County, but COVID has deepened the crisis. Thousands of people are facing hunger, many for the first time. Director of Programs, Dana Henderson oversees hundreds of Feeding San Diego’s free food distributions that provided more than 31.2 million meals to people facing hunger last year. Since the pandemic hit, Feeding San Diego has distributed 700,000 more meals each month than the same time period in the prior year.

10 Things About Dana Henderson & Feeding San Diego


#1 I grew up in Manhattan Beach, California.


#2 As much as I feel connected to the ocean and the beach, I equally enjoy being in the mountains.


#3 I enjoy oil painting and have been painting since the age of twelve.


#4 I love music. I played the clarinet from elementary school through college and would like to take it back up.


#5 In good times or in bad, I remember the quote, “this too shall pass”. To me this means that nothing, good or bad, lasts forever.


# 6 I am definitely a morning person. I like to get up early and start my day with a neighborhood walk with my family.


#7 When I have free time I like to get outside for a run, walk, or a swim and enjoy the fresh air.


#8 I wish everyone could spend a week in someone else’s shoes, someone totally different from you. I think this would increase understanding and compassion for others and encourage open mindedness.


#9 Greg is a retired military man, an ICU nurse, and a disabled vet. Greg and his 8-year-old daughter have attended a number of our food distributions since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. “My food bill has tripled. I am a single Dad and normally I just cook dinner and my daughter’s school takes care of breakfast and lunch. But since the pandemic, I have been cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I cannot afford the increase in expenses, so this distribution has been invaluable for us. We have come to depend on it.”


#10 Due to COVID-19, the need for food assistance across San Diego County has skyrocketed. Feeding San Diego is working around the clock to meet the unprecedented demand while balancing the burden of rising expenses. Feeding San Diego’s cash operating budget has more than doubled – from $10 million to over $22 million. Increased expenses include costs associated with food purchases, transportation, distribution, and supporting services. Every dollar donated helps provide nutritious meals to those facing hunger.




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Esteban Villanueva