10 Things About Catherine M. Arambula & Chicano Federation

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“I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

Chicano Federation provides education, nutrition and housing services to families across San Diego. While their roots are in advocacy for the Latino population, they are dedicated to providing opportunities for ALL San Diegans in need. During this precarious time, Chicano Federation Board Member, Catherine M. Arambula, is aiding families in need of rental assistance, providing basic supplies to elderly residents who live in Senior Affordable Housing and assisting childcare providers so they can take care of children whose parents must continue working.

10 Things About Catherine M. Arambula & Chicano Federation

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#1. I grew up in National City and went to Sweetwater High School.

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#2. Being able to communicate effectively is the most important skill one can have.

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#3. I love Hawaii and hope to return with my husband Troy, that’s if I can get him on a plane.

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#4. Creating a true family tree on both sides of my family is at the top of my bucket list.

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#5. I got my first job at the National City Library after a summer work program through the MAAC Project at age 13.

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#6. When I am having a challenging day, I tell myself that God is good, and I am blessed, take a deep breath and keep going.

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#7. I never thought that I would be so connected in the non-profit community and love it as much as I do.

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#8. Leveraging my strengths and knowing when to get help in the areas that I am weak in, makes all of us shine.

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#9. As a Regional Manager for a national transportation company, I had hit every goal and pay raise possible and was told the only way I would be considered for another raise, was for me to relocate to the National Headquarters out of San Diego. I made a career change and became a business owner in charge of my own destiny.

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#10. When Lacadie and her family were residents at one of Chicano Federation’s affordable housing properties, she successfully launched her own home childcare business. With resources and support provided by Chicano Federation, she successfully grew her business and recently moved out of the affordable housing program and into a newly purchased home. That is the kind of impact Chicano Federation has on the lives of those who seek assistance.

Event 850 X 850

Chicano Federation

Unity Luncheon

July 10, 2020

11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

US Grant Hotel


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Esteban Villanueva