10 Things About Caitlin Radigan & Just in Time for Foster Youth

Intro Caitlin Radigan

“Cleaning the house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing” – Phyllis Diller

Because disconnection is the biggest challenge for foster youths, Just in Time brings together foster youths with a caring community that will be there for a lifetime. Proceeds from Just in Time’s upcoming fundraiser will provide the safety net, skills, and empowerment that every young person needs to be self-sufficient and successful. As a former participant and current employee of Just in Time, Caitlin Radigan has personally experienced how the program works and what makes it so special.

10 Things About Caitlin Radigan & Just in Time for Foster Youth

#1 Like many young people who’ve spent time in foster care, I moved around a lot. I attended 8 different elementary schools.

#2 I hope to travel to Ireland one day; it would be a very interesting discovery of my heritage.

#3 The top of my bucket list includes flying a small airplane around an erupting volcano.

#4 Recently, I was frustrated to see my toddler had pink eyeshadow all over her face but couldn’t resist laughing when I saw our newly adopted cat had allowed her to apply pink shadow on his face too!

#5 Outside of working at Just in Time, I’m a caregiver to a disabled Vietnam veteran. I love how my daughter attempts to assist him and asks if he’s okay whenever he cries out in pain.

#6 I need only glance at my daughter’s precious little face and be reminded how much I have to be thankful for in this life.

#7 I used to have a very cynical view of the world but now that I have conquered the adversity I faced in childhood, I can see that the world is filled with kindhearted people who want to help others help themselves.

#8 Beating myself up about past mistakes doesn’t do anyone any good. By learning from my experiences, not repeating poor decisions, and leading by example, I can have a positive impact on those around me.

#9 As a single mother, it has been a challenge to work 2 jobs and attend college full time. I was devastated when I failed an accounting class, but I stuck to it, repeated the class and got an A the next time around. When I graduate in May, all the nights studying until 1 a.m. will be worth it!

#10 As a participant, Just in Time opened my eyes to my full potential when I was blind to it. I went from insecure and untrusting to confident, capable, and connected through Just in Time’s transformative services and the community of caring people that encouraged me along the way.

Just in Time for Foster Youth
Walk the Talk Celebration
Saturday, March 14, 2020
5:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
The Hyatt Regency in La Jolla

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Esteban Villanueva