10 Things About Adam Welland & Jewish Family Service


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Moving Forward Together

Jewish Family Service is bold and innovative in its approach to addressing the most urgent needs of San Diegans. From homelessness to hunger to the challenges of aging, JFS connects individuals and families to the tools, resources and compassionate support they need to transform their lives. When Adam Welland was younger, he did not know what role Judaism should play in his personal identity, but a close friend of his got him involved with Jewish Family Service. Adam quickly realized that serving his community was the best expression of his Jewish identity.

10 Things About Adam Welland & Jewish Family Service

#1. I grew up in Westfield, New Jersey, which is a small suburb near Newark and not far from New York City. I love the people, the food, and the culture, but I sure don’t miss the weather.

#2. The ability to live in the present is a quality that I think everyone should have.

#3. My favorite destination so far has been Italy – experiencing the rolling hills of Tuscany and the rich history of Rome in the same trip was very memorable. The incredible wine may have played a role too!

#4. Going to a World Series game and seeing the Yankees win is at the top of my bucket list!

#5. “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi. I see this in action regularly through my work with Jewish Family Service where seemingly small actions have a huge impact.

#6. I am passionate about reducing, reusing and recycling. My wife teases me about the extreme measures I sometimes take to not waste anything, but we believe it is part of our responsibility as global citizens.

#7. Whenever I am having a challenging day, I focus on the things I am grateful for (and there are many of them!).

#8. I have two awesome kids, but I am always surprised by how much energy young kids can have!

#9. Kindness goes a lot farther than aggression or negativity. I have come to realize this both professionally in the corporate world and personally as a parent.

#10. Rob is a veteran living with PTSD. He became homeless and was living out of his car when he found the JFS Safe Parking Program. With the help of our Housing Specialists, he was able to find an affordable apartment, continue his PTSD program with the VA, and focus on healing instead of where he would sleep at night.

Jewish Family Service
Heart & Soul Gala
Honoring Evelyn & Ernest Rady
Saturday, April 25, 2020
6:00 pm
Hyatt Regency La Jolla at Aventine


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Esteban Villanueva